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You Spend an Average 28% of Your Week Reading & Answering Emails

Isn’t It Time You Put an End to This Productivity Killing Habit?


You probably left work around 6 or 7 PM last night, then went home to spend some time reading and answering emails before eating dinner. When you woke up, you probably made a coffee and spent another 20 minutes reading and answering emails again.

Here’s the issue: email is a massive productivity killer; it takes up an average 28% of your workweek. Between getting some work done on an important project and attending important meetings, you’re constantly checking your email – making sure you’re staying in touch with clients and colleagues.

But is it necessary? Sure, experts recommend limiting your “email time” to specific times a day; once in the morning and once at the end of the day, but it’s not always easy when you have that nagging feeling that you’re appearing unresponsive to people.

The Average Professional Handles More Than 125 Emails Every Day…

When you’re handling more than 125 emails each and every day, how can you limit wasted time and get more actual work done? There’s no simple solution – and it’s not like you can simply ignore people, however; here’s a few tips to help you get control of your email habit:

  1. Keep it short and simple: Try to get into the habit of reducing the size of emails. Write two or three sentences if possible. Be more direct and you’ll save a lot of time.
  2. Find different communication methods: Instead of sending an email, use instant messaging, file sharing, phone calls, and other methods that are quicker and more to the point.
  3. Set specific times aside for checking email: You’ve probably heard this before, but it’s truly the best tip you’ll find. Set aside time in the morning and time near the end of the day.
  4. Make a list of top priorities: We often fall into the trap of letting our email act as a to-do list, but instead, make a list of top priorities; maybe 3 or 5 focus items you want to get done.

Also keep in mind, it’s always more effective to speak via phone or in person as opposed to sending an email. Why? Because your personality can shine through – making it easer to explain complex ideas and have a true conversation that builds a better relationship.

Take control of your email – don’t let your email control you. {company} is here to help. Call {phone} or email us at {email} for more helpful tips and tricks.

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