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Facebook Just Made Promoting Your Business Much Easier

Facebook PagesIf you are a Facebook page administrator, Facebook will be releasing their new streamlined look this week to make finding the tools and information you want and need easier. On the right side, you will have your page’s posts consistently on both your Page and Newsfeed instead of having a confusing multi-column design with all posts on both sides. On the left side, it will contain all information on your business; maps, hours of business, phone numbers, URL’s, photos and videos. You can also:

  • View information on the ads you run, new likes, unread messages and notifications from anywhere on your page.
  • Click any section in the “This Week” section for more details.
  • Easily access to activity, insights and settings through the new navigation options at the top of the page.
  • Directly access your ads manager through the “Build Audience” option at the top.

They have also added a new “Pages to Watch” feature which has “Pages Insights” tools to all administrators. This allows you to compare the performances of your page and to those similar by creating a list of pages. There are also Overview Key Stats about pages you are watching. “Posts” of Page Insights allows you to view the past week’s most interesting posts of pages you’re following.

Your cover photo size will stay the same with minor changes. The page name and category will now be appearing on top of your cover photo in white lettering and your profile picture will sit a little higher than before. With all efforts to make your Facebook experience easier and less confusing, these changes are to take effect this week.

To learn more about Facebook’s new streamlined look, give us a call or send us an email. As your Trusted IT company we will help you with any questions you have about navigating the new layout.

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