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You NEED to Know About This Dangerous Virus Infecting Computers & Stealing Data!

Crypto Virus 3.0 Continues to Infect Computers & Encrypt Files!

crypto virus 3.0, information system security, network security

Crypto Virus 3.0 is a dangerous, updated version of the ransomware virus that is infecting and damaging computers everywhere. Like Crypto 2.0, the bug encrypts your files and data and then demands a ransom of $500 in Bitcoins to get your information back. Unfortunately, those who have been affected know that it’s no simple warning or a joke – your files really do get encrypted. How do you know what to look out for?

  • Cybercriminals have been attaching the ransomware to customer support emails from FedEx, UPS, DHS and other companies. Once the attachment is opened, your computer is infected.
  • It can also come in the form of a bogus eFax email – if you don’t have an eFax, delete the emails right away. They’re fakes!
  • Exploit kits located on hacked websites are used to exploit security vulnerabilities on your computer and then get your system infected.
  • They’re also sent out using Trojans disguised as programs that require you to view online videos.

A good golden rule is to NEVER open any attachments unless you’re 100% sure that they’re safe. If you receive a suspicious message, delete it from your computer immediately.

If You Become Infected

  • The virus scans your computer for documents, pictures and other commonly used files – it immediately encrypts them and hides the key.
  • Currently the only known solution is to restore your files that have been backed up.

 How Can You Prevent It?

  • Educate your employees and coworkers! Ensure that they know proper email safety protocols and are always mindful of the risks they face.
  • Make sure you have the latest updated antivirus software and spam filters.
  • The best bet is to always take precautions and back up your data so that a system breach won’t leave your business crippled.

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