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1 min read

What You Need To Know When Selecting A Cloud Provider. 10 Important Questions To Ask

cloud servicesAll types and sizes of business use cloud computing today.  Why?  Because it helps them reduce costs and increase operating efficiencies.

While there are substantial benefits to using cloud services, there are also potential risks. To mitigate these risks, it’s essential that you choose a trusted cloud provider.

The following are important questions you should ask any cloud provider you are considering:

  • Where are their data centers located, and can they ensure specific privacy requirements?
  • Are they willing to undergo audits to ensure you meet regulatory compliance measures?
  • Can they demonstrate reliable oversight and control for administration of your cloud services?
  • Can they provide a complete restoration of your data in the event of a disaster?
  • Will your data be encrypted?  Your cloud provider should use an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) with servers that support a 256-bit encryption, or a minimum of a 128-bit encryption.
  • Do they use extended validation certificates? These are the best choice for server-to-browser connections, because they offer the strongest level of authentication and the clearest validation that the connection is secure.
  • Will server ownership be authenticated before any data is transferred between servers?
  • Does the provider use the Online Certificate Status Profile standard? (This is more reliable than the CRL standard, because it’s always up to date, and less likely to time-out due to network traffic.)
  • Can they guarantee that your data will be segregated from others’?
  • Do they provide monitoring reports on a regular basis?

Selecting a cloud service provider requires a high level of trust and confidence. If any of the answers to these questions is “no” or “I don’t know,” it’s time to look for another cloud provider.

For more information about what to expect from your cloud service provider, contact {company} at {phone} or via email at: {email}

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