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1 min read

URGENT. Change Your EBay Password.  They Got Hacked.

Ebay HackedEBay’s parent company E-commerce, is asking all their users to change their passwords after a cyber attack compromised their database. So far they haven’t reported any stolen financial data, but to be certain you aren’t affected, it’s best to change your password.

E-commerce also owns PayPal, however their data is stored on a separate network, and there’s been no evidence of unauthorized access on PayPal’s system.

Create Secure Passwords and Change Them Often

Because cyber attacks are more common and sophisticated than ever before, you need to change your passwords often, and use ones that are difficult to guess.  The following are some “don’ts” to stay away from when creating your passwords.

  • Don’t use only letters or only numbers, use a combination and use both upper- and lower-case letters.
  • Don’t use names of family members, friends or pets.
  • Don’t use your home address, birth date, Social Security number, or anything that might be linked with your identity.

Consider Signing Up For Password Management

It’s also important that you use a different password for every site that you use.   Password Management is one way to do this without forgetting your passwords, or losing your mind trying to remember them.

Contact {company} and we’ll provide more tips and solutions for your password security.  Call {phone} or email us at: {email}

Cyber-Ransom An Increasing Cyber Threat: Forces Code Spaces To Close Their Doors Forever!

Cyber-Ransom An Increasing  Cyber Threat: Forces Code Spaces To Close Their Doors Forever!

Cyber-ransom is increasing globally. How would you deal with a potential threat that will affect companies, and millions of people’s cyber data and...

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5 tips for smarter workplace passwords

5 tips for smarter workplace passwords

It’s easy to point a finger and have a good laugh at other people’s weak passwords.

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90% of Passwords Are Vulnerable to Hacking

Don’t Let YOUR Business Become the Next Victim!

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