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Glen Pullen

Do you remember Commodore 64? Well I used it to create my first interactive “Hangman” game. That was my 8th grade year in 1984. During collage years in San Francisco I worked as a Fax and copier expert while building my own personal computers at home. It wasn’t long before I was working for companies like Blue Shield, EDS, Bank of America, Lockheed Martin, and AT&T. I have a government clearance and a certified scuba diver. I found that my passion is in supporting people and how they use technology. This gives me a wide spectrum of software and hardware to discover and learn. I pride myself on knowing as much as I can about technology and sharing that knowledge with others.

What Is The Modern Workplace in San Francisco?

Defining The San Francisco Modern Workplace If you are searching about the modern workplace, you could be curious to know how it can transform your...

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Who Can Nonprofits Rely On For IT Services In San Francisco and Los Angeles?

Nonprofit IT Services In San Francisco & Los Angeles The nonprofit industry is constantly growing in San Francisco and the Los Angeles area. As needs...

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What is an Avalanche and How Can You Protect Yourself?

What is an Avalanche and How Can You Protect Yourself?

An avalanche in the technology world is something you do not want to come into contact with. Learn how you can protect yourself from cyber attacks...

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