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Switching San Francisco IT Companies

The Difficulty With Switching IT Companies In San Francisco

As your business moves evolve, your IT needs to move with it. Discord in communication between you and your IT provider, inability to properly manage scalability, or recent occurrences of data breaches are but some of the main reasons that could have made you consider switching IT companies.

Quite often than not, firms decide to stick to the “devil” that they know due to the intricacies of how hard switching IT companies may be. With proper caution taken, however, migrating to a different IT support provider is not that hectic.

Why Should You Switch an IT Support Company?

Substandard Help Desk Service

Purely transactional IT support companies tend to act very nicely while trying to convince you to engage their services, then things begin to change once you are in. Find an IT support company that urgently and proactively addresses your issues as soon as you raise them.

Data Breach

If you just recently experienced a systems hack and your IT support partner cannot identify where it originated from or keeps on giving excuses, it is high time you sourced a more competent team. Company data is very crucial, and mitigation of cyberattacks is quite expensive.

Communication Gaps

As an administrator, you have every right to access information that pertains to the status of your firm's IT infrastructure and systems. Most incompetent IT support companies will orchestrate an information gap to cover for their underperformance. The company's employees and its end-users should not be left to struggle with complicated technological jargon.

You were doing just fine then started having complications somewhere along the way? The first step is to source a better IT support company that is experienced in handling switches.

How to Effectively Switch IT Support Companies

Without proper vigilance, the process can be daunting and result in hazardous downtime. The most cardinal thing to consider is to safeguard the safety of your company's data during the transitioning phase.

Here are best practices helping you seamlessly switch your IT support company:

1. Find a Competent Replacement

Do not make the mistake of terminating your contract with the current IT support provider until you have a replacement in place.

The last thing a company would want to experience is undergoing the same horrifying cycle with a new IT support team.

Prospects should be critically examined to determine their suitability by doing the following:

  • Ask the potential companies to refer you to any firms that they have partnered with before. The CIO should then seek testimonials from those firms; numbers don't lie.
  • Determine the IT systems and infrastructures that they use.
  • Evaluate customer service efficiency and response time.
  • Have they handled switching to an IT support company before? Get a company that has experience in helping firms transition and an in-depth understanding of the risks and insecurities that come with it.

2. Acquire Administration Controls

Not one or twice have companies been held to ransom for their files in the course of switching IT support firms. Ensure you have total access and control over your data, however much this may raise suspicion.

3. Have Duplicates of Your Files

There is a higher risk of corruption or loss of your files during the transition process, either as an accident or due to malice from your previous IT solutions provider. Have at least two backup copies in case of such mishaps.

4. Security Review

Have your new IT company conduct an extensive security review, especially on your network's access, logins, and passwords. This process is meant to ensure that there are no backdoors.

If you are considering switching IT support companies in San Francisco or Los Angeles, then On Time Tech is the right solution for you.

Click here to get started or call us at (415) 294-5250.

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