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Self-Destruction Communication Apps on the Rise – How Can They Help or Hurt Your Business?

Cyber DustSelf-destructing communication apps are currently on the rise, and it’s no wonder – living in a technologically advanced generation we are always looking for new ways to communicate in safer ways. Cyber Dust is a recent app that allows users to send text messages that self-destruct in 30 seconds, leaving absolutely no digital finger print, meaning the texts are not stored anywhere – not even on Cyber Dust’s own servers. Cyber Dust also notifies a user when a screenshot of their text has been taken.

The creator of Cyber Dust, Mark Cuban explained in a recent Forbes article that he wanted to create an app that was analogous to face-to-face – where you can speak openly and honestly. He said the idea for the app came from an incident involving his own experiences, where the Security Exchange Commission used his text messages in its insider-trading action against him.

This new method of communication is being seen everywhere, through the widely popularized picture-messaging app, Snapchat, to the more recent Pluto Mail. Everywhere, methods are being made to promote privacy and combat government espionage. Why is this becoming such a popular trend? Well, with new policies in place for businesses such as, BYOA and BYOD – companies are at an even greater risk of their proprietary information landing in the wrong hands due to the greater freedom and platforms employees have to communicate, and the lack of control companies have over their employees.

So how can your business keep proprietary information safe?

  1. Adopt a “self-destructing” communication application
  2. Utilize the application to discuss sensitive information
  3. Allow information to self-destruct or schedule a self-destruction date

Although there is no perfect method or policy that exists that can keep your business 100% safe, it is important to stay informed on the existing technologies that may assist in keeping your sensitive information safe.

For more questions on self-destruction communication apps, contact us at {phone} or send us an email at {email}. Our team at {company} is committed to keeping your business up to date with new security features, and with providing safety and satisfaction to your business. 


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