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Do You Have a Netgear Router? You Need to Read This.

If you use a Netgear router in your home, you may want to consider turning it off immediately for your own security. Learn more about the Netgear vulnerability so you can better protect yourself while online.

Although you really should not feel 100% safe online at any time, most people do feel safer when they are using their personal network router at home. However, this is not something you can count on anymore either. If you have a Netgear router, there was a vulnerability that was just discovered that could leave you open to a cyber attack.

Netgear Firewall

About the Vulnerability

Not all Netgear routers are affected but if you have any Netgear router, you need to check to see if yours is one of the models that has been impacted. The vulnerability within the routers has allowed unauthenticated webpages to pass from input and go straight to the command-line interface. That may not sound very scary but it allows cyber hackers and criminals to remotely hack your system and inject arbitrary commands that would be executed by your system. This means that the hacker can take full control of your device.

Netgear Router Models Impacted and Temporary Fixes

You should stop using your Netgear router immediately if it has been discovered that your model has been impacted. Netgear has confirmed that the flaw or vulnerability has been found in the following routers: R6250, R6400, R6700, R7000, R7100LG, R7300, R7900, and R8000. Netgear has said that they are working quickly to release a firmware update that will fix the vulnerability. As soon as they have it available, they will release it for an update. While they do not have an official fix released, they have been testing a beta version that serves as a temporary solution. However, they have said that it may not work for all users.They have temporary fixes for the following models: R6400, R7000, and R8000.

Why You Should Stop Using Your Infected Router

Even if there is a temporary fix, it is not recommended that you continue to use it. One of the biggest reasons for this is that since this release has been given to the public, all of the hackers now have this information and they will likely use it to their advantage. You do not want to fall victim to a hacker simply because you thought a temporary fix would help you or because you thought that since Netgear is working on an update you are safe. If you have one of these routers, you should consider turning it off immediately and consider purchasing a temporary router to use until this vulnerability has been patched. You cannot be safe until there is a more secure patch so make sure you consider finding another option.

If you are concerned about your router, the temporary fixes, when the fixes will be released, or your security while online, be sure to contact {company} in {city} via {phone} or {email}.

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