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2020 Outlook: Why Are Countries Such as China Sponsoring Cyberterrorism Against Their Enemies?

Best Protection Against State-Sponsored Terrorism in San Francisco

Contact On Time Tech today to discuss your concerns about state-sponsored cyberterrorism and other threats to your network and data.   


Buildings and homes can be protected against crime with a good security system and constant vigilance. However, cyberattacks often circumvent traditional safeguards to infiltrate your most sensitive secrets. You may imagine a lone hacker typing away in the dark. The truth is, many of the attacks on U.S. institutions and businesses take place in the light of day with the full sanction of foreign governments. State-sponsored cyberterrorism is a growing phenomenon that you need to protect your corporation from.

While cyberattacks carried out across borders may leave law enforcement officials at loose ends, there are IT security companies that can protect your network from these choreographed attacks. Governments themselves are treating cyberattacks as a tactic of warfare. Employing the techniques used by these criminals against them involves espionage, economic war and information theft. With so much as stake, it’s important to keep your San Francisco area business out of the crosshairs.

On Time Tech provides cybersecurity solutions small to midsize businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area. Learn more about state-sponsored terrorism and how we can help.

What are State-Sponsored Cyberattacks?

Intelligence and information are basic elements needed for a secure government. Often, the motives of these attacks are political in origin. Cybercriminals target government offices, public entities and private corporations without prejudice, testing to see how effective their digital weapons prove. Any time a national government funds, guides or orders a cyberattack against an enemy state, it's considered state-sponsored cyberterrorism.

What Countries Practice State Sponsored Terrorism?

State-sponsored cyberattacks are not new. According to the FBI, the first identified country to conduct them was Syria in 1979. In an extension of shadow statesmanship, governments attempt to keep tabs on each other and collect information regarding the economic, military and technological advances of their enemies.

Of course, most governments, including that of the United States, have laws that sanction such activity against their own resources, Currently, the countries considered to pose the biggest risk include North Korea, Sudan, Iran, and Sudan. However, many attacks are also attributed to China. According to the FBI, the following countries practice state-sponsored terrorists:

  • North Korea: Designated as of November 20, 2017
  • Iran: Designated as of January 19, 1984
  • Sudan: Designated as of August 12, 1993
  • Syria: Designated as of December 29, 1979

The FBI investigates cybercrimes and has advanced forensic scientists who can often trace the attack back to foreign governments or individual actors. Evidence shows that these cyberattacks are becoming more carefully planned and widespread. However, it’s not a good idea to leave the security of your network to off-the-shelf products, just as it’s imprudent to leave data recovery to overtaxed federal resources.

On Time Tech provides state-of-the-art solutions, such as firewalls and advanced endpoint protection that detect and deflect hackers of every pedigree. Our consultants can provide an initial assessment to help you determine your areas of greatest weakness and prioritize your security strategy.

Why On Time Tech is Your Best Protection Against State-sponsored Cyberterrorism?

Viruses and other malware can remain dormant on any device connected to your network until the authors are ready to strike. On Time Tech engineers and cybersecurity experts look at your entire system. This includes monitoring your network for suspicious activity around-the-clock and providing proactive solutions when a threat is detected.

Contact On Time Tech today to discuss your concerns about state-sponsored cyberterrorism and other threats to your network and data.

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