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Beware: 96% of Mobile Malware Targets Android Devices – Take Precautions to Protect Your Data! 

Mobile Phone VirusUrgent Warning: The Latest Mobile Malware Targets and Encrypts Sensitive Data Stored on Your Android Device!

Security researchers discovered another form of malware that targets Android devices. The latest malware, known as Simplocker, is a malicious app designed to encrypt photos, documents, and videos stored on your mobile device. Once your important files are encrypted, the malware developer demands a ransom fee to unencrypt the files.

According to Robert Lipovsky, a malware researcher, the malicious app appears to target users in Eastern Europe as it addresses users in Russian and demands payment in Ukrainian hryvnias. However, the strong encryption and sophisticated social engineering shows the malicious app is powerful enough to become a widespread threat.

Feeling worried about the latest malicious app? If your device becomes infected, a message will appear, stating:

  • Your device is locked for viewing and distributing child pornography, zoophilia, and other perversions.
  • Your device will remain locked until you’ve paid 260 UAH at the nearest payment kiosk.
  • Your device will be unlocked within 24 hours of payment – but if you don’t pay, you will lose all of the data stored on your device.

But what happens to your data? That’s simple: the malicious app scans the device’s SD card for various files, then encrypts the files using an advanced encryption standard. Fortunately, users can reboot their device into safe mode to remove the malware, however, all of the encrypted files will be deleted. If you’re truly attached to your files, it’s possible to restore the files – but there’s a lot of effort involved: you must recover the AES key stored inside the malware.

If you own an Android device, you’re using one of the most malware-ridden mobile operating systems available. And there’s a few important security measures to keep in mind:

  1. Disable App Downloads from Unknown Sources: Go to Settings and disable installing “unofficial apps” to prevent downloads from sources other than the Play Store.
  2. Avoid Storing Sensitive Data on Your Device: Most mobile malware is designed to steal sensitive data. The simplest way to protect your data is to avoid storing it on your mobile device.
  3. Always Think Twice Before Downloading Apps: If you’re downloading an app, it’s always a good idea to research the app beforehand. Also, be careful with apps created by unfamiliar developer accounts.
  4. Install an Anti-Virus App: There’s a wide variety of anti-virus apps to combat mobile security threats. In fact, anti-virus companies, including Kaspersky, AVG, Avast, and Norton, have created apps for Android devices.

Looking for more information about the latest malicious app? Give us a call or send us an email. We are here to help you protect your sensitive data against a wide-range of emerging mobile threats.

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