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2014 is the Year of Cloud Adoption: Can Your Law Firm Keep Up with the Rest of the Industry?

law firm cloud computingWhile the legal industry hasn’t been quick to embrace the cloud, attorneys are likely to adopt cloud technology in 2014. In fact, LexisNexis Firm Manager surveyed 279 practicing attorneys in small law firms regarding their current and future use of cloud technologies. The survey reported the following:

  • 40% of respondents are already using cloud services.
  • 50% of respondents are planning to adopt cloud technologies.
  • 72% of respondents believe law firms will be likely to use the cloud in 2014.

So what’s inspiring attorneys and law firms to embrace the cloud? There’s a few key factors influencing the cloud’s popularity:

  • Accessibility: The cloud enables attorney’s to access business-critical applications and data on any device with an Internet connection, regardless of the location and time.
  • Security: The cloud enables attorney’s to store confidential documents and restrict access to the cloud to ensure unauthorized individuals cannot access sensitive data.
  • Cost-Efficiency: The cloud reduces the cost of installing and maintaining hardware and software in-house.

According to the survey, 45.2% of attorneys believe mobility and freedom are the greatest benefits of the cloud. In contrast, 40.5% of attorneys believe disaster recovery and data backup capabilities are the greatest benefits of the cloud.

Although there’s clearly a lot of benefits, you’re probably wondering: is the cloud really secure enough to store client data, financial records, and legal documents? Well, most cloud providers consider data security to be a top priority. In most cases, the cloud actually makes it easier and less expensive to meet data security requirements.

To learn more about cloud computing, give us a call at {phone} or send us an email at {email}. {company} can help you embrace cloud computing and maintain your competitive edge in the legal industry.

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2014: The Year of the Cyber Attack! Follow Through on These 15 Powerful Business Resolutions to Master the Art of Protecting Your Data in 2015!  

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Beware: The New CryptoWall Ransomware Can Enter Your System On Its Own Without Any Actions On Your Part!

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